
Tuesday 25 June 2013




Health is a most beau­ti­ful part of life if they girl, boy, child, women or men. Every one know the impor­tance of her/him health so today the RB Fash­ion World in dis­cuss about most com­mon arti­cle about Health.

  • Copy your kitty, Learn to do stretch­ing exer­cises when you wake up. It boosts cir­cu­la­tion and diges­tion, and eases back pain.
  • Don’t skip break­fast. Stud­ies show that eat­ing a proper breakfast
  • Brush up on healthy hygiene. Many peo­ple don’t know how to brush their teeth prop­erly.  Lots of peo­ple don’t brush for long enough and brush for at least two minutes.
  •  Neu­ro­bics for your mind. Get your brain fizzing with energy. Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, peo­ple with men­tal agility tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer’s dis­ease and age related.
  • Get what you give. Always giv­ing and never tak­ing? Give to your­self and receive from oth­ers, oth­er­wise you’ll get to a point where you have noth­ing left to give.
  •  Get spir­i­tual. A study con­ducted by the for­mi­da­bly sober Har­vard Uni­ver­sity who were prayed for recov­ered quicker than those who weren’t.
  • Get smelly. Heat destroys these prop­er­ties, so eat yours raw.
  • Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you, but a recent one found that the Polyphemus.
  • Bone up daily. Get your daily cal­cium by pop­ping a tab or eat­ing yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remem­ber that your bone den­sity declines after the age of 30.
  • beans and oat bran. all of which have a low GI count.
  •  Mind­ful liv­ing. By slow­ing down and con­cen­trat­ing on basic things, you’ll clear your mind of every­thing that wor­ries you and learn to really sim­ple tasks while whether it’s flow­er­ing plants.
  •  The secret of stretch­ing. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore muscle’s. Don’t bounce or force your­self position.
  •  Do your weights work­out first. Your body is bet­ter able to han­dle weight  in the work­out because fresh  you need to work it. Conversely.
  • Here’s the rub. Helping your lymph func­tion can help when dry­ing off your limbs and torso the armpits on your upper body health.

We hope you are enjoy our this Article|Post, Thanks’x for giv­ing me yours pre­cious time.

.Take Care Health Care.

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition
Optimal Post Workout Nutrition

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition Health:

Opti­mal Post Work­out Nutrition:
The nutri­ents after work­out can improve your body com­po­si­tion and per­for­mance. Improve your pro­tein break­down  healths and main­tain energy level. Here is opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion for you to remain fit.

Choco­late Milk:
Low fat and deli­cious choco­late milk is the opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion drink that keeps you ener­getic in all ways. This drink can recover all your essen­tial vit­a­mins and min­er­als in a tasty way.

Mashed pota­toes and Salads:
This will give your body glu­cose, vit­a­mins and min­er­als alto­gether. More­over, fruit sal­ads are also full of vit­a­mins that help you to remain healthy after workout.

Tuna and whole wheat crackers:
Tuna is low in fat but full of pro­tein and crack­ers are crunchy with good taste that is source of energy as well.

Dried fruits and nuts:
You can carry them with you on in a plas­tic bag and eat as opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion. Dried fruits and nuts will give you a quick injec­tion of car­bo­hy­drates and a healthy dose of pro­tein after work­out. The nuts are easy to digest and will replen­ish your mus­cle glyco­gen as well.

Chicken Stir-fry:
Those who are fond of chicken can get excel­lent lean pro­tein, vit­a­min B and car­bo­hy­drate metab­o­lism through it. You can eat stir fry chicken with brown rice after work­out to restore your energy. Brown rice is health­ier, you can add dif­fer­ent veg­gies in the chicken for your flavor.

So keep enjoy­ing RB Fash­ion World, this is a blog of All Fashion.

.RB Fashion Health World.

Monday 24 June 2013

Permanent Makeup: Do or Don't !

Permanent Makeup
Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup:

Applying makeup daily is very time consuming. Do you want to save your precious time and want to have perfect makeup when you wake up in morning! perspire or shower? Then you can go with permanent makeup technique.

What are the Permanent makeup!
This question clicks in mind because permanent makeup is the pigmentation of dermis,  you can use permanent makeup to produce eyebrows.
It can be used particularly by those people who have lost their eyebrow as a consequence of old age.

Permanent eyebrows makeup.
Permanent eyebrows makeup makes it possible to shape them according to your taste and also masks the scars or sparsely growing hair.

Permanent lips make-up.
It also masks small scars and pigment spots. It also attaches color to your lips but permanent lips makeup is the most painful procedure, because there are a great number of blood vessels and nerve endings in lips.

Permanent eyelids makeup.
You can also add colors to eyelids to make it more expressive. But keep one thing in mind that permanent makeup will not remove earlier than half a year minimum.
You must avoid permanent makeup,  if you are going to use permanent makeup, you should take into account the fact that during long time period makeup changes with fashion.
Everyone is familiar that fashion varies time to time.

We hope you are enjoying our this Makeup article|blog, so please keep visiting and enjoy our this Blog.

.Thank You.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Vision Safety Tips for Swimming

Vision Safety Tips for Swimming:

Vision Safety Tips for Swimming
Vision Safety Tips for Swimming

Eye care for swimming is essential as it can become the cause of several infections.  If the vision safety tips are not catered for since the beginning, harmful chemicals in the water can cause bigger troubles later on. Follow the simple vision safety tips while swimming in summer and be a part of the safety zone swimmers.
 People prefer to go for water activities for fun and to beat the heat but they should realize that eye care for swimming is must. When the heat of summer approaches, people and families find splashing and paddling in water the best fun activity for their families and kids.

Make Up Your Eyes for Evening

Make Up Your Eyes for Evening:

When  you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here are eight simple steps to making up your eyes for evening thing.
   1. Prep your eyes with concealer, concealer can be used to cover up under eye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. Apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge.
   2. Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without make-up properly priming your lid first, your eye shadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Homemade Beauty Recipes

Natural skin care doesn't have to cost a fortune. 4Beauty and Neal's Yard (opens in a new window) have teamed up to give you six beauty recipes that are easy on the pocket and the environment.

Homemade Exfoliator

You'll need: sea salt, almond oil and grapefruit peel
Sea salt has deep cleansing and therapeutic properties, which are good for aches and pains. Almond oil is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidant vitamin E, softens and nourishes skin. Grapefruit peel has an uplifting fragrance and is known to stimulate the lymphatic system, helping move areas of sluggish circulation.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Home Made Remedies for Glowing Skin

First of all, we tell you sugar mask with lemon peels. Take equal proportions of grained sugar and powered lemon peel, mix them with a bit of milk and make a fine paste, apply it on your face and when it dries wash off with fresh water, it not only smoothed your skin but also adds shine and brightens your complexion, apply at-least one or 2 weeks.

Benefits of Rose Water For Eyes

As you all know that roses are major part of our everyday events. They had their sweet fragrance and also had a lot of benefits for skin too. This flower is known for its beauty and also for helps our beauty rituals. Rose water is including in all most every beauty product. Few centuries ago rose water was used for flavoring foods and in the perfume. Rose water was first developed by Muslim Chemist by crushing rose petal, steam distilled to obtain it.
Rose water is a natural product, so it's in good health to use than an artificial product that contains chemicals or additives. As eyes are most beautiful gift of God to human, so every gift also needs a lot of care. Eyes problems are common among everyone. So for eyes rose water is a splendid and natural product.
When rose water sprayed over makeup, it will help to set it in place for several hours.
Benefits of Rose Water for Eyes:

Friday 2 November 2012

Men’s Hairstyles and Styling Products

Hair styling is just not for women but there are a lot of different men’s hairstyles that make them look good. Not just to attract the opposite sex but for their own self satisfaction men should groom their self to enhance their beauty in hairstyling. Women groom their selves but men are not lag behind.

Men’s Grooming: Body Hair Removal

If you want to have a good impression on your women then you should get rid ofthe unwanted hair on your body because hairy body is the first thing that women notice. A good expensive haircut grooms your personality but if you have a weed like body with chest hair tucking out of your collar, even getting a most expensive haircut won’t do any good to your personality. Hair removal does not end at shaving your face only; you need to get rid from the unwanted hair from the rest of your body so that you could pull out those muscles from your shirt when it’s too hot outside. However, most men don’t know how to find the remedy of this problem so here are some key areas to get rid of excess body hair: