
Saturday 20 July 2013

How To Apply Makeup for Photography

How To Apply Makeup for Photography
How To Apply Makeup for Photography

8 Use­ful Tips:

Apply­ing make-up for a photo shoot is not the same as apply­ing it for a day­time or evening look. You can wear more neu­tral col­ors dur­ing the day, there needs to be a dif­fer­ent thought process when apply­ing makeup for pic­tures. It’s not that dif­fi­cult to learn and if you fol­low the tips below, you will be on your way to bet­ter makeup results for yourPhotoshoot.

The Best Ways on How to Apply Makeup for Photography:
How To Apply Makeup for Photography
How To Apply Makeup for Photography

  • Before you apply makeup, start with smooth, toned and mois­tur­ized skin. If nec­es­sary. This min­i­mizes uneven or arti­fi­cial look­ing makeup appli­ca­tion and pro­motes a healthy &  glow­ing look.
  • Apply con­cealer as usual, tak­ing extra care to con­ceal under-eye bags and dis­col­or­ing using a yel­low based con­cealer as this helps brighten the eye as well as hide unwanted col­ors underneath.
  • Now, you’ll want to use a good, solid foun­da­tion and apply it evenly over the face. Match the foun­da­tion to your chin and neck­line, you and the cam­era will see a sud­den change of color from your face to the neck or upper chest.
  • Bronze or Blush: Var­i­ous makeup effects can be achieved with blush. Bronzer makeup pow­der is widely suc­cess­ful and pro­duces a nat­ural or lightly sculpted look, depend­ing on its application.
  • Define your eyes with shadow, add mas­cara, but don’t overdo it.
  • Good blend­ing of all eye­shadow is essen­tial. The harsh flash light­ing from pho­tog­ra­phy will high­light unblended edges mak­ing the make-up appear badly applied. A good range of brushes is essen­tial for good blending.
  • The same rule for eye­liner applies to mas­cara. Brown mas­cara won’t usu­ally show up in pic­tures. If it does show up, it will be very sub­tle and your eyes will more than likely appear to look washed out.
  • Make sure lip col­ors don’t have a frosted effect, as this won’t show up in pho­tos. Apply a lip liner before the lip­stick or else the lip color will look faded.
Hope you will like these makeup tips for photo shoot,  a pho­tog­ra­pher can be sure that the sub­ject of the pho­to­graph will look her best in the fin­ished portraits. 

Capchure Your Mem­o­ries With RB Fash­ion World.…..!!!


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