
Beauty Tips

Six Very Effective Beauty Tips:

Every girl is aiming to the perfect look n shiny and this means a few tips up you  make sure your look best alway,s.
  1. Always apply makeup on your face when it is cool and dry. In summer you are better advised to rub a cube of ice on your face for about 6-8 minutes and then patting it dry to ensure that your makeup is perfect
  2. To make your face appear thinner apply some dark concealer in the middle of your cheek just below your cheekbone. Make sure that you blend it well so that it does not appear patchy
  3. To make your lipstick last longer, first outline them with a lip pencil and slowly paint in the lipstick using a brush. Then gently press a tissue on top of your lips and apply some talcum powder through the paper.
  4. Ensure that whatever foundation you apply on face also covers the neck or else you are in for a patchy look
  5. If you are planning to wear a skin tight dress, then put the dress on and cover yourself with a towel or something before doing your hair and makeup.
  6. This is especially applicable for eye makeup when one eye looks better made up than the other. This tip will help you avoid that.

  • Fast & Easy Tips for Weight Loss:

* Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses of water is almost like a must. And do not forget to drink water in the morning, the moment you wake up. In fact this is one of the most rapid weight loss tips that the dieticians suggest to the people.

* Keeping a track on the watch, go for an hour walk. It need not be power walking, but definitely it should be non-stop walk and that’s for sure, in a couple of days only, you’ll start finding the difference in you.

* Have organic foods for the breakfast like apples, bananas, plain yogurt, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, wild smoked salmon, and so on.

* Another tip regarding how to lose weight fast, easy and safe is that you should have your dinner about 4-5 hours before going off to sleep.

* Eat slowly so that you can get a feeling that you have had enough food and your tummy is full. Eat slowly and fully relish the taste.

*Soft drinks cannot benefit you in any way. They contain 150 empty calories, so if you substitute one bottle of soft drink with water each day, it will do wonders for you. It will enable you to lose about 16 lbs per year.

* Don’t depend upon fat burning diet supplements. They wont go a long way in helping you sustain your reduced kilos.

  • Herbal Help for Acne

If you have acne probably tried all the over the counter products and maybe even the prescription products on the market. Perhaps they work for you or they irritate your skin and dry it out. There are other options. Herbal treatments and nutritional supplements can also help with acne, either applied directly to the skin or taken orally.

Zinc supplements worked wonders for me. I take 50 milligrams a day, twice daily and it helps keep my skin clearer than any prescription ever tried. You can find Zinc at a grocery store or drug store in the aisle with vitamin and mineral supplements. At Wal-Mart only $2.13 a bottle. You can also order from catalogs and online websites.

Herbs that work wonders at clearing up acne are: Echinacea taken orally and applied externally to the skin, Oregon grape root applied as a cream, tea tree oil applied to the skin, oregano and basil oil applied to the skin or taken orally.

Be careful using any new product because you may be sensitive to it and if you are using any prescriptions or other topical acne treatments you might have to watch out for reactions. Check with your dermatologist to make sure it is alright to use any herbal treatments with the medicine you are already using.

  • Flattering hairstyle

Regardless of what type of structure of the face shape you have, always flattering hairstyle helps you in improving your beauty. 

Some barbers, the best way to satisfy your looks to have been flattering and comfortable style. This works best for almost everyone. You need the structure of your face in mind while styling your hair. There is only one kind of hairstyle, fall into the category of flattering hairstyle. It includes straight, curly, layered, and in particular, plus the rugged layered one, even as they are also seen as comfortable and easy going.

  • 8 Marvelous Makeup Tipsfor Oval Faces

1. Highlight Lips , The very first makeup tips for oval faces that we’re going to talk about is highlighting your lips! What you don’t want to do though, is highlight your lips and your eyes at the same time, that’s too much. So ladies, if you are going out for the night and want to look hot, just do up your lips just right and dim down the eyes a little bit! That way your lips can stand out! 

2. Highlight Eyes ,In turn, if you are not going to highlight your lips, why not highlight your eyes? That way, your eyes will stand out and you won’t look too over made. A simple smoky eye or even some eyeliner tricks can really do wonders for your eyes and really highlight them! So girls, go ahead and give this makeup tip for oval faces a try! 

3. More Lip Liner on Bottom Lip than Top ,While it might seem a little weird, my next makeup tip for oval faces is all about adding more lip liner to the bottom lip rather than the top. The reason for that is because typically your bottom lip stands out a little more and because you do want the color to last a bit longer. 

4. Avoid a Lot of Blush , You might think that because your face is long, you want to add in a lot of blush to overcompensate. That’s so not the truth ladies! You actually want to avoid a lot of blush when you have an oval face. That’s why this is my 4th makeup tip for oval faces! So girls, lock up a lot of the blush or just use very little to make your face appear longer!
5. Soft Pinks for Blush Color , For me, it all boils down to your skin tone, but soft pinks on an oval face look beautiful! Just make sure that you take your skin tone into effect, so that you know exactly how pale you can go or how bold you can go. We’re going to talk more about skin tone a little further down! 

6. Soft Colored Eyeshadows , While you are deciding on soft pinks, another makeup tips for oval faces is to consider soft colored shadows. Blues, greens, pinks and even some yellows can all be in soft, soft colors that won’t be as harsh or out there! These colors again, have to be taken into consideration with your skin tone. 

7. Consider Your Skin Tone , Remember girls, we talked about considering your skin tone? Well!, here’s your chance! Are you a fair maiden? Are you a little bronze beauty? You always want to make sure that you match up the colors of your makeup with your skin tone, that way you can find what works best for you! 

8. Think about Eye Color ,After the skin tone, you want to next consider the eye color! Some colors can actually clash with your eye color, so make sure that you do your research before you commit to one color! For me, green eyes with plum i lash extender highlights really makes the green pop! Give it a try girls!

  • Eye Makeup Tips

If you don't like the sharpness of your eyeliner, you can soften it using your eye shadow brush by adding a little powder shadow of a similar shade. 

Remedy For Puffy Lidded Eyes or Eyes With No Defined Crease 

1. Apply a touch of black eyeshadow in the center of the upper lashline. 

2. Sweep a taupe or natural color eyeshadow over the crease and slightly above it. .....(Remember, we're working with minimal space here...not Cher's lids! )..... 

3. Use an eyeshadow shade that's lighter on the browbones and lids. 

That way, when the light hits your peepers, the highlighted area of the eyes will stand out as the crease appears, well, creased! The upper lids lined with black shadow in the center provides a contrast with the highlighted lid to create more visible lids. 

Eyeliner Too Harsh? - An easy remedy... 
If you don't like the sharpness of your eyeliner, you can soften it using your eye shadow brush by adding a little powder shadow of a similar shade. 

Using An Eyeshadow Pencil - Did you know the secret? 
You should not draw the pencil across your eyelid as this could cause stretching of the skin. 

Instead, apply the color to the palm of your hand, then pick up some of the color with your pinky and apply gently to your eyelid. 

Younger Looking Eyes - Oh, the tricks... 
The first step is to reduce fine lines. So apply a little eye cream on the brow bone and under the eye. 

Next dab on a concealer that matches your skin tones. 

The last step is to line the eye with a white pencil just beneath the lash line. This will give the impression of larger and brighter eyes. 

The Perfect Eyeshadow For Your Eye Color - Secrets revealed 

1. Tried and True: taupe, gray, violet, purple, deep blue (a darker shade than your eye color makes your eyes really blue), black (mix it with bright blue for a smoky effect) 

2. Funky Favorites: silver, turquoise, fuschia (brightens any shade of blue) 

1. Tried and True: brown, apricot, purple, plum, deep khaki or forest green (because they are in the same greenish family, they brighten green eyes) 

2. Funky Favorites: gold, lime-green, really light green, bright purple (super modern) 

1. Tried and True: copper, bronze, champagne (soft pink with a touch of apricot), brown (for a doe-eyed look), beige, and khaki-green (lighter shades add highlight) 

2. Funky Favorites: tangerine, royal blue, hot pink, lime-green (the contrast adds punch to brown) 

1. Tried and True (Classic): navy or charcoal base to define and a powder-blue shadow for highlighting (it brightens your brow bone so any eye color pops) 

2. Funky Favorites: silver-sparkle shadow makes all eyes look edgy

  • Tips for Back Pain Relief

There are a number of back pain relief remedies that are for the most part under your control. And sometimes, it?s nice to know some options that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. 

These tips can help manage your pain. 

Ice is a very effective pain reliever 

Even with all the high tech medical options available, a simple ice application can still be one of the more effective, proven methods to treat a sore back or neck. Ice is typically most effective if it is applied soon after an injury occurs, or after any activity that causes pain or stiffness. Ice can also be very helpful in alleviating postoperative pain and discomfort. While any form of applying cold to the injured area - such as a bag of ice wrapped in a towel or a commercial ice pack - should be helpful, combining massage therapy with ice application is a nice alternative for pain relief. 

Heat therapy is good too 

While the overall qualities of warmth and heat have long been associated with comfort and relaxation, heat therapy goes a step further and can provide both pain relief and healing benefits for many types of lower back pain. In addition, heat therapy - such as heating pads, heat wraps, hot baths, warm gel packs, etc. - is both inexpensive and easy to do. Some patients find more pain relief with heat (either moist heat or dry heat) and others with ice. The two therapies may also be alternated. 

Hamstring stretching exercises can help 

If you have tight hamstring muscles (the large muscles in the back of your thighs), the motion in your pelvis may be limited, which can increase stress across your lower back. To decrease this stress it is a good idea to incorporate hamstring stretching exercises into your daily routine. Hamstring stretching should typically include applying even pressure to lengthen the hamstring muscle for 30 to 45 seconds at a time, one to two times each day. There are a number of different ways to stretch your hamstrings, and if you have a back condition you may want to check with your doctor or physical therapist to discuss which position will work best for you. 

Some therapies actually feel good! 

While it sometimes may not seem like it, there are a number of soothing, rewarding therapies available to treat back pain. Here aare two options to consider: Massage therapy is a proven method for alleviating lower back pain, and can also improve sleep and lessen anxiety and depression (which sometimes accompany pain). Some insurance plans will cover massage therapy. Another treatment option is water therapy. In addition to the physical therapy benefits, water therapy has the added benefits of relaxation and sensory alterations due to water temperature and hydrostatic pressure. It also unweights the joints of the spine and allows for further range of motion. See also Massage therapy for back pain and Water therapy exercise program.

Nails are also a part of our body and need to be taken care of just like we would any other part of our body. 

Recently beauty treatment and cosmetic treatment for nails has increased. Giving your hands and nails a manicure is taking care of them. This should be done once every week. You should visit a manicurist regularly as they will give you the best advise on how keep your nails healthy. 

  • Guidelines for your nail care weekly

It takes hardly half an hour weekly to care of your nails to ensure they glow and are healthy throughout the year. 

To begin with remove your nail polish. Dip cotton in nail polish remover and press over your nail to soften the polish. With one firm movement, move the cotton from the base of the nail to the tip. Continue till all the polish is removed. 

Use a file or emery board to shape your nails. Begin from the corner to center, move the file in one direction only. Do not change directions and this will cause the nail to split and break. 

To remove dirt soak your hands in warm soapy water for a few minutes. Clean under the nail using orangewood stick. 
The skin that grows onto the end of the nail is the cuticle. These days it is advised that the cuticle not be pushed back as it prevents infection of the nail. 

Apply a coat of clear nail polish. Once it dries apply a coat of color polish. Let it dry and then apply clear nail polish as topcoat to strengthen the nail and prevent nail polish from chipping. 

Apply moisturizer on hands and cuticle to prevent the nail from splitting. 

Home manicures should be done once a week and they take only 15-20 minutes. It is better you visit a professional manicurist once in 4-6 weeks.

  • All about Hair Fall

Cutting the hair makes it longer and stronger 
Not true. People might have started thinking so by comparing hair on the head to facial hair. The fact remains that facial hair is DIFFERENT from the hair on your head. Cutting your hair will only make is shorter and it will grow at exactly the normal rate - ½ a cm a month. 

Pluck one grey hair and two will grow in its place 
Sounds like a Two for the price of one offer? Think of it, if this were true, men with balding pates will be puling whatever little hair they have left with the idea of doubling their hair - grey or otherwise. 

Standing on your head or hanging upside down will increase blood circulation to the head and thus reduce hair loss 
This is absolutely untrue. While standing on your head will definitely increase the circulation of blood to the upper body, it has absolutely no impact on hair growth. The cause of hair loss is genetic and no amount of standing upside down will correct that. 

Rigorously toweling of your hair will cause hair fall 
Not true. At the most it will help ready to shed hair to fall off, but that would happen anyway. Toweling does nothing to hair except to dry it. 

Losing a handful of hair daily is an indicator of male pattern baldness 
This is not necessarily true. Hair loss is a normal occurrence and it is only when hair regeneration stops that you identify the onset of male pattern baldness. 

Brushing your hair is better than combing it 
As a matter of fact, hair responds better to combing than brushing. It is not a cause of baldness though. Brushing your hair only leads to split ends and hair breakage. It is advisable to use a wide-toothed comb as far as possible. 

Wearing hats causes hair loss 
In order for the hair to fall out, the hat would have to be so tight that it cuts circulation to the follicles. So no, wearing hats does not cause hair loss. Could you just imagine how many pro sports players would be bald if that were the case? 

You can increase the number of hair follicles 
You are born with all the follicles you'll ever have. The number of hair follicles is determined by genetics and cannot be changed by taking drugs or supplements. The only proven way to increase the number of follicles is by hair transplant surgery. 

Similarly, the diameter of hair shaft, the maximum length of growth, rate of hair growth, hair color, tendency to curl, and tendency to gray are genetically determined. 

There is nothing you can do to prevent or treat hair loss 
This last myth is probably the most misunderstood thing about hair loss. In the past, this was true - there was nothing that can be done about hair loss. But now, with advances in science and understanding about the nutritional needs of hair, men and women no longer have to live with hair loss.

  • Beauty Tips: – What are Hazards of Laser Hairs Removal?

The hairs removal traditional comes across since long and there are many un-natural and new procedures are follows and these procedures are the most dangerous and injured to health. Amongest of these un-natural ways,The laser hairs removal procedure is also dangerous and having many Hazard to health. Here we are going to aware you about the Hazard of Laser Hairs Removal to protect your body and health from un-fair mean of hairs removal. 

1. Laser is an infrared source of light with a high frequency and the effect goes inside of skin which harms your skin and caused Skin disease. 

2. Some body cell become dead, When Laser is applied to remove the hairs. Due to this the growth of skin is damage and invites the skin disease. 

3. Some peoples having laser treatment with un-protected means which can remove the hairs by the time being but later on the face problem. 

4. There is a pain during the Laser treatment and mostly pain after the treatment which causes the rough shape of skin. 

5. Laser hair removal is caused swelling and the face muscle become red and sensitive. 

6. In winter your skin damage due to laser removal procedure. In summer due to sunlight you suffer from black color of skin and pimple effect on your face. 

7. After all when you take any medicine to get free from the pain, it may cause stress and headache. 

8. One of the big hazards of Laser hair removal to become skin cells dead and due to this the circulation of blood stop. It invite skin cancer. 

9. This is the expansive process and the effect remains for a long time. Moreover remove hairs some time growth with more quantity and the root of hairs caused infection. 

10. At the last the frequency of laser disturbs your cell and make black to your skin pigments which result black color of your skin.

  • Beauty Tips – Tips for Beautiful Nails

Nails are the importance part of your body and need to be treat. Here we have some best tips to make beauty and wonder your nails:- 

1. Olive oil is the best to treat your nails, use olive oil every day to treat your nails. 

2. Use the product that contains substance and extracts from horse hair to make strong your nails. 

3. Treat your nails with a mix of water and lemon juice, to remove the stains form your nails. 

4. If you cut your nails in such a way that it wound them, it will invite infection. So you don’t cut your nails cuticles. 

5. You may leave your nails cover for two weeks if you are using nails varnish. 

6. Vitamins are the importance for the nails, vitamin B especially the B5 to make your nails healthy. (Importance of Vitamins)


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