
Monday 22 July 2013

The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides

The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides
The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides

Brides always want to look their best on their wed­ding day, so today i am shar­ing you some knowl­edge about Health & Fit­ness Tips For Bride’s.

The Most Use­ful Health and Fit­ness Tips for Brides:

 As tempt­ing as they sound with their promises of big results in lit­tle time, they will leave you worse than they found you. You will lose some weight, but it will mostly be water and mus­cle! it will go right back on again.
Lis­ten to music while you work­out. Upbeat music keeps you moti­vated, and stud­ies have shown that peo­ple who lis­ten to music while they work out, work­out for longer than those who don’t.
Tired of work­ing out on the tread­mill? Join fit­ness classes that focus on strength and car­dio exer­cises. There is a sea of end­less work­out pos­si­bil­i­ties to help you sculpt and tone for your wed­ding day.
Health breath­ing exer­cises must be a part of your well­ness plan. Deep breath­ing or con­scious breath­ing help to de-clutter the mind, brings bet­ter clar­ity of mind and alle­vi­ates tension.
Drink Plenty of Water. There are times when your can con­fuse your body’s cry for water as a need for food. Avoid the con­fu­sion by stay­ing hydrated.
Accord­ing to a recent Penn Uni­ver­sity Study, health eat­ing a small bowl soup before your main meal can save up to 700 calo­ries a week. So go ahead have some soup and slim down to look leaner in your wed­ding gown.
Celebrity Kareena Kapoor says that all brides do surya namaskars as it works like magic! It helps improve energy and flex­i­bil­ity, tones your body and knocks off the weight.

If you are happy and stress-free on your wed­ding day, you will be a bliss­ful bride no mat­ter your size health-weight-loss-fitness tips for brides


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