
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition
Optimal Post Workout Nutrition

Optimal Post Workout Nutrition Health:

Opti­mal Post Work­out Nutrition:
The nutri­ents after work­out can improve your body com­po­si­tion and per­for­mance. Improve your pro­tein break­down  healths and main­tain energy level. Here is opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion for you to remain fit.

Choco­late Milk:
Low fat and deli­cious choco­late milk is the opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion drink that keeps you ener­getic in all ways. This drink can recover all your essen­tial vit­a­mins and min­er­als in a tasty way.

Mashed pota­toes and Salads:
This will give your body glu­cose, vit­a­mins and min­er­als alto­gether. More­over, fruit sal­ads are also full of vit­a­mins that help you to remain healthy after workout.

Tuna and whole wheat crackers:
Tuna is low in fat but full of pro­tein and crack­ers are crunchy with good taste that is source of energy as well.

Dried fruits and nuts:
You can carry them with you on in a plas­tic bag and eat as opti­mal post work­out nutri­tion. Dried fruits and nuts will give you a quick injec­tion of car­bo­hy­drates and a healthy dose of pro­tein after work­out. The nuts are easy to digest and will replen­ish your mus­cle glyco­gen as well.

Chicken Stir-fry:
Those who are fond of chicken can get excel­lent lean pro­tein, vit­a­min B and car­bo­hy­drate metab­o­lism through it. You can eat stir fry chicken with brown rice after work­out to restore your energy. Brown rice is health­ier, you can add dif­fer­ent veg­gies in the chicken for your flavor.

So keep enjoy­ing RB Fash­ion World, this is a blog of All Fashion.

.RB Fashion Health World.


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