Showing posts with label Tips For Better My Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips For Better My Skin. Show all posts

Saturday 20 July 2013

Tips For Better My Skin


Every­body know’s the ben­e­fits of Vit­a­min C rich lemons have on the body beauty but few know their beauty cos­metic things.

Lemon is for bet­ter your skin so RB Fash­ion World is rec­og­nize our read­ers please use Lemon in your daily rou­tine life for your bet­ter, glossy & shiny skin.

Lemon Skin Care Tips:

  1. Pre­pare Lemon and Honey juice. Intake this juice in the morning.
  2. Apply Lemon juice on the face to clean glossy.
  3. Pre­pare mix­ture of Aloe Vera & Lemon juice and apply on face for glow­ing the skin.
  4. You can try to wash your face with Lemon juice every night for skin care.
  5. Pre­pare mix­ture of Lemon juice. Apply this juice directly on acne and eczema for dry it.
  6. For oily skin, pre­pare mix­ture of Lemon, Egg white and Grapes, your skin become shiny.
  7. Pre­pare a mix­ture of 1 tea­spoon Lemon juice and Glyc­erin and apply it.

How To Use Lemon Juice:

  • Dab on an exist­ing blem­ish to help dry it up.
  • For a hair treat­ment that adds bounce and shine. Allow to remain in hair for a few minutes.
  • Brighten and lighten fin­ger­nails by soak­ing them in lemon juice for ten minutes.
  • As a treat­ment for black­heads, apply lemon juice to areas at night.
  • Rub lemon peel over elbows and knees to elim­i­nate rough or dark spots.
  • Apply full strength to dis­col­ored and night and leave on until the morning.
  • Apply full strength or diluted with water to exfo­li­ate and lighten the skin.