Showing posts with label How To Hide A Pimple on Your Face:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Hide A Pimple on Your Face:. Show all posts

Saturday 6 July 2013

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:
How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

No one like pim­ples it’s dis­dain for every­one, So you must drink lots of water to get rid of tox­ins from your body because they are the real pim­ple cul­prits espe­cially the pim­ple, as much as pos­si­ble, else you may be intro­duc­ing new germs to it, caus­ing an inflammation.

So we are giv­ing you some mail points to hide pim­ples in your skin are as under:

  • Apply a small amount of the con­cealer to the pim­ple.
  • Allow the con­cealer to dry, and then blend the edges of the con­cealer with a cos­metic sponge or cot­ton swab.
  • Apply some tinted mois­tur­izer in a color that matches your skin tone.
  • Apply con­cealer in your skin tone, con­ceal­ers in pots or tubes give bet­ter cov­er­age than stick-type con­cealer. Pat gen­tly to blend.
  • Apply on the pim­ple and leave it for 20 min­utes. After wash­ing, use Visine eye drops over it to reduce the redness.
  • Sleep at the right time.

If you still feel like you need some cov­er­age, add a sec­ond layer of your flesh-toned concealer.
Thanks’x for read­ing our this article.

.Take care.