
Friday 26 October 2012

Make Yourself Look Natural, Have a Subtle Appearance but Beautiful

Wearing more makeup is normally a turn off, why not look natural by following some day to day easy techniques and be more attractive & look natural than ever. By these easy techniques to look natural, I mean eating healthy diet, consuming lots of liquids, exfoliating your skin, smiling all the time and yes the easiest one of all that is moisturizing your skin daily. When these things are observed on a daily bases then believe me your skin will not only look natural but will glow too.

To look natural doesn’t mean wearing makeup or having a nice complexion, but if you have the shine in your eyes, a glowing skin with beautiful smile and the energy to do things in life that will surely make you look natural way more than any of the people not having that. Sometimes it is the kind of makeup that enhances your beauty and give you a natural look, especially the colors I am talking about like wearing makeup of shocking and catchy colors all the time doesn't look appealing and attractive at all. Especially stay away from the HOT pink and Reddish pink colors; you may not want to look like a Barbie all the time. So, try dark red, brown or light pink. That will not only b noticeable but also will give a natural look.

Secondly, while selecting what to wear DO NOT go for the neon colors but wear light and mature colors and give a balanced and natural look. So if you stick to wearing colors like white, grey, black, blood red, light tones of yellow, blue, pink and green then they will look surely good and mature. Similarly keeping a balanced dressing to look natural is very important like don’t go for too tight things or too baggy things. Make it balanced in a natural look.

Thirdly if you want to look natural and beautiful, go on a balanced diet, that means try eating healthy food like veggies and fruits, because they contain very less amount of fat but will glow your skin and you will look natural in a beautiful and elegant way.

Fourthly wear a nice perfume, because sometimes people just not look at you but when you just pass by or come near them the fragrance of you should surely turn their heads to look right at you. So, selection of a perfume is very much important to give a nice natural look, try wearing light scented perfumes especially the flower scents.

The last way of looking natural is the hairs, do not wear a lot of hair pins or accessorize your hairs because that makes you look overly done. Whether keep them down, or tie them in a high pony tail. To make your hairs look natural and shiny try brushing them a lot because that increase your blood circulation and hence keeps them healthy in a natural way. Giving a natural look does not mean following the same old routine of keeping your hairs in a braid or two braids but try the above things mentioned and you’ll feel noticeable.

To look natural in a subtle way is totally no big deal, as the methods that you will be observing are very easy and will give you a natural look that is totally noticeable.


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