
Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Best Ways To Get Lower Abs

The Best Ways To Get Lower Abs
The Best Ways To Get Lower Abs

The Best Ways To Get Lower Abs:

Work out is the best part in our daily life, so you can  read and learn our this article. I hope you are learn well and do also in daily routine.…!!!

This will help fat calories. In case you have excess fat around your midsection will help eliminate that fat, so your abs can show through more prominently.
As you complete lower ab exercises, its more important to keep a slow, rhythmic pace & to do the exercise correctly than to do more reps. The muscles will work harder at a slower pace.
Lie flat on the ground, with feet spread at about shoulder width distance. While executing the crunch make definite that you use your abdominal muscles. Do a set of 12 to 15 repetitions.
Strength train your abs for best. Do sets of eight to twelve repetition.
Do aerobic exercises like kickboxing, running or swimming.
Lay on the floor. Raise your legs up to form angle, resembling a V, in the air. Lift your upper body in the air, & stretch your hands in between the V, while still holding your legs in the same position. While going up, exhale & put the pressure on your abdominal muscles.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any query’s/question’s just comment on below i will give my best, & keep touching with us…!!

HOW TO: Get Clear Skin

HOW TO: Get Clear Skin
HOW TO: Get Clear Skin

It seems that everyone is battling with breakouts that continue to rear their heads beyond the teenage years and well into the twenties and thirties. I have compiled this ‘how to’ based on my own experience with my skin - after a relatively clear run in my teens I struggled with pimples and blackheads throughout my twenties. Nothing major - at most I probably had three or four pimples at once, mainly on my chin and forehead, but enough to get me down.

I haven’t been following my own advice!). I hope that they work for you too, and please feel free to share your own experience and tips. Cleanse less: Yep, you heard me. 

I still broke out. Since going clean, I have switched to kinder, gentler cleansers, and I haven’t looked back. Although it seems, conventional, chemical heavy cleansers that are supposedly made to target oily and breakout prone skin are incredibly stripping, which in turn encourages skin to produce more oil, which then leads to more breakouts - which then leads to using more stripping products to try to get rid of them! It’s a vicious cycle. 

It might take a few weeks for your skin to get used to this, but it will happen. Your skin is a very clever organ.(As a side note, I actually found that once my skin got back in balance, I had dry, not oily skin as I had always previously thought!). In a similar vein, I now only cleanse once a day, at night, and simply splash my face with water in the morning. 

Eat your way to good skin: Whether we like it or not, diet plays a HUGE role in skin. Since cutting back dramatically on sugar, my skin is clearer, brighter, and softer. I also try to avoid soy and dairy, as in my experience if I eat too much of either they will also lead to breakouts. 

I also add lots of seeds and coconut oil to my diet (I love to throw them into a hot bowl of porridge), as these supply the skin with good fats to keep it plump, glowing and hydrated. Get into clay: Clay based masks are brilliant at giving congested skin a little jump start to purge impurities and heal existing blemishes. I use one once a fortnight to keep skin in top condition - it’s a great Sunday night ritual. Don’t scare your skin: In addition to my former life as a Lover of Oil-Stripping Cleansers.

Sure, pimples took a little longer to go away, but they never erupted into a sore, inflamed spot, which meant they were far less noticeable, and just gradually disappeared without a fight. I've also noticed that my skin scars far less with this approach. Product recommendations. 

So here are the products that I have used and liked: Stark Skincare Green Tea Detox Clay Mask Planet Eve Organics Cleansing Oil Coconut oil Dr Alkaitis Soothing Gel Spiel Organic Facial Cleanser Organics Gentle Cream Cleanser So, if I could my clear skin regime in one sentence.

Monday 22 July 2013

Bridal Makeover Tips

Bridal Makeover Tips
Bridal Makeover Tips

In the midst of all the shopping of wedding and the focus on wedding dress and jewelry, the bridal makeup is surprisingly get ignorance from many of the brides. The bridal eye makeup is the most important part of your special day makeup, as it will define your beautiful eyes and facial features on the big day. In order to look stunning on your wedding day, it is very important to consult and discuss your bridal eye makeup with your makeup artist according to the shape of your eyes before the wedding.

Here Are Some Points Of Makeover Tips Are: 

Give plenty of time to yourself to plan your make up at your wedding day. For this you have to search a right beauty specialist or a makeup artist before 2-3 months of your wedding. You can also consult your makeup artist for a practice session before your final day. 

Just start planning your wedding attire, wedding makeup and other essentials before your wedding as you need plenty of time to look beautiful and presenting. 

You can also search your desired make up from different magazines. A visual looks will better describe your desired make-up as a “picture is worth a thousand words”. 

Don’t try to experience new things on you right before your wedding. Artificial beauty enhancing practices and other related experiments may damage your skin and face. Go for natural and herbal facials, manicure & pedicure and other things for a smooth, shinning & glowing skin which is essential for a perfect wedding make up
Avoid tensions & depressing things. Your wedding is a pleasant and unforgettable day of your life so be prepare for this day. Do relax, calm and stop worrying about tensions. beautiful and different on your wedding day. 

Apply these simple but very effective wedding make up tips to look gorgeous and beauty looks Makeup .

Men’s Hairstyles and Styling Products

Men’s Hairstyles and Styling Products
Men’s Hairstyles and Styling Products
Men are so possessive for their cloths and shoes, an addition of a good men’s hairstyle will make them look like a gentlemen. But because of the lack of awareness men just copy the celebrities but don’t see which men’s hairstyle suits them and which not. In United State Of America here are many men’s hair-styling products available but first let’s have a look at some of the men’s hairstyles.

The Casual Hairstyle

Men’s hairstyles should be chosen according to his face shape, which suits his face. Such men’s hairstyles are easy and relaxing because that falls into place of its own. It's the kind of hairstyle you can wear to almost any occasion or outing.

The Spikes Hairstyle

This can only be made with small hair from front. The back and sides of this style is cropped short and close to the head blending into the top layers that are jagged cut for height and texture.

The Indie Hairstyle

This indie hairstyle was very common in the past 19’s. This indie cut is styled like a forehead hugging fringe, short sides and tapering length through the back. This Men’s hairstyle gives you a very rough and tough look.

Men’s Hair Styling Product- Gel

Gel keeps your hair steady and hard in their place, even in heavy winds. Gel is available in every super store in United State Of America.

Mousse-Men’s Hair Styling Product

When used on dry hair, it will help shape, mold and hold your hair in place. Mousse is available in Pace and HKB in United State Of America.

Hair Spray-Men’s Hair Styling Product

Hair spray men’s hair styling product is also a common men’s hair styling product available in mini stores as well. This men’s hair-styling product has been used by both men and women for many years to create a natural looking hold.

Pomade Men’s Hair-styling Product

Pomade men’s hair-styling product is widely used these days, but not in the past. Pomade contains mixture of oil and wax which makes hair stiff and hard to stay on place.

.RB Fashion World.

The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides

The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides
The Most Useful Health and Fitness Tips for Brides

Brides always want to look their best on their wed­ding day, so today i am shar­ing you some knowl­edge about Health & Fit­ness Tips For Bride’s.

The Most Use­ful Health and Fit­ness Tips for Brides:

 As tempt­ing as they sound with their promises of big results in lit­tle time, they will leave you worse than they found you. You will lose some weight, but it will mostly be water and mus­cle! it will go right back on again.
Lis­ten to music while you work­out. Upbeat music keeps you moti­vated, and stud­ies have shown that peo­ple who lis­ten to music while they work out, work­out for longer than those who don’t.
Tired of work­ing out on the tread­mill? Join fit­ness classes that focus on strength and car­dio exer­cises. There is a sea of end­less work­out pos­si­bil­i­ties to help you sculpt and tone for your wed­ding day.
Health breath­ing exer­cises must be a part of your well­ness plan. Deep breath­ing or con­scious breath­ing help to de-clutter the mind, brings bet­ter clar­ity of mind and alle­vi­ates tension.
Drink Plenty of Water. There are times when your can con­fuse your body’s cry for water as a need for food. Avoid the con­fu­sion by stay­ing hydrated.
Accord­ing to a recent Penn Uni­ver­sity Study, health eat­ing a small bowl soup before your main meal can save up to 700 calo­ries a week. So go ahead have some soup and slim down to look leaner in your wed­ding gown.
Celebrity Kareena Kapoor says that all brides do surya namaskars as it works like magic! It helps improve energy and flex­i­bil­ity, tones your body and knocks off the weight.

If you are happy and stress-free on your wed­ding day, you will be a bliss­ful bride no mat­ter your size health-weight-loss-fitness tips for brides

Sunday 21 July 2013

Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips At Home

Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips at Home
Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips at Home

The 6 Most Useful Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips at Home:

There are many options for getting rid of the hair, but many are temporary and some are downright painful. Hair on upper lip is clearly visible among other facial hair. It really looks very odd and bothers a lot. Those girls with black hair often end up looking like adolescent boys.

Unfortunately, most women don’t know the proper methods and after effects of facial hair removal for women. You cannot afford to take the same liberties as the rest of your body with your face. Firstly. Moreover, it is the most visible part of body! There are quite a few alternatives available to get rid of the upper lip hair.

Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips at Home:

There are many ways for upper lip removal at home that you can opt to do to get rid of the embarrassing hair growth,

1. Plucking: You can pluck out hair from your upper lips with tweezers. This kind of facial hair removal for women can be done at home but there are some problems with it. While doing it yourself you may not be able to make a clean sweep. This would mean uneven hair growth the next time around making you look weird.

2. Tweeting  Tweeting is the second popular method used by women to remove hair from their upper lips. In this method of hair removal, strands of hair are plucked out one-by-one with a small tool called plucker or tweezers. But, plucking the hair out is time consuming and discomfiting. In addition to this, the results are not satisfactory.

3. Bleaching  Bleaching is okay but it is not the appropriate method to treat upper lips. It makes the hair lighter but they are still visible. If you repeatedly bleach one particularistic area like upper lip, it would appear lighter than the rest of your face, drawing attention to the problem area. If you are bleaching, then do it with fruit bleach and once in a month.

4. Shaving  Shaving is a cheap and easy option since it is the one that is used mostly by men. Razors can easily be acquired from any store and this can be done even in a public toilet. However, this doesn't often produce a very smooth effect which can give a worse effect for women.

5. Waxing  Waxing is also not an appropriate method to treat upper lip area. And when you get it done you would end up looking like a man who has just shaved his moustache. There would be a sudden white and pinkish look on to your upper lip.

6. Electrolysis  However effective they may be, you have to spend time and money on them again and again. Therefore, going for a permanent solution is advisable.

One such method for permanent hair removal is electrolysis. It uses low voltage electricity to destroy the hair follicles, but you need to pay a lot to get it done.

I hope you would like our this Article…!!

Saturday 20 July 2013

How To Apply Makeup for Photography

How To Apply Makeup for Photography
How To Apply Makeup for Photography

8 Use­ful Tips:

Apply­ing make-up for a photo shoot is not the same as apply­ing it for a day­time or evening look. You can wear more neu­tral col­ors dur­ing the day, there needs to be a dif­fer­ent thought process when apply­ing makeup for pic­tures. It’s not that dif­fi­cult to learn and if you fol­low the tips below, you will be on your way to bet­ter makeup results for yourPhotoshoot.

The Best Ways on How to Apply Makeup for Photography:
How To Apply Makeup for Photography
How To Apply Makeup for Photography

  • Before you apply makeup, start with smooth, toned and mois­tur­ized skin. If nec­es­sary. This min­i­mizes uneven or arti­fi­cial look­ing makeup appli­ca­tion and pro­motes a healthy &  glow­ing look.
  • Apply con­cealer as usual, tak­ing extra care to con­ceal under-eye bags and dis­col­or­ing using a yel­low based con­cealer as this helps brighten the eye as well as hide unwanted col­ors underneath.
  • Now, you’ll want to use a good, solid foun­da­tion and apply it evenly over the face. Match the foun­da­tion to your chin and neck­line, you and the cam­era will see a sud­den change of color from your face to the neck or upper chest.
  • Bronze or Blush: Var­i­ous makeup effects can be achieved with blush. Bronzer makeup pow­der is widely suc­cess­ful and pro­duces a nat­ural or lightly sculpted look, depend­ing on its application.
  • Define your eyes with shadow, add mas­cara, but don’t overdo it.
  • Good blend­ing of all eye­shadow is essen­tial. The harsh flash light­ing from pho­tog­ra­phy will high­light unblended edges mak­ing the make-up appear badly applied. A good range of brushes is essen­tial for good blending.
  • The same rule for eye­liner applies to mas­cara. Brown mas­cara won’t usu­ally show up in pic­tures. If it does show up, it will be very sub­tle and your eyes will more than likely appear to look washed out.
  • Make sure lip col­ors don’t have a frosted effect, as this won’t show up in pho­tos. Apply a lip liner before the lip­stick or else the lip color will look faded.
Hope you will like these makeup tips for photo shoot,  a pho­tog­ra­pher can be sure that the sub­ject of the pho­to­graph will look her best in the fin­ished portraits. 

Capchure Your Mem­o­ries With RB Fash­ion World.…..!!!

Tips For Better My Skin


Every­body know’s the ben­e­fits of Vit­a­min C rich lemons have on the body beauty but few know their beauty cos­metic things.

Lemon is for bet­ter your skin so RB Fash­ion World is rec­og­nize our read­ers please use Lemon in your daily rou­tine life for your bet­ter, glossy & shiny skin.

Lemon Skin Care Tips:

  1. Pre­pare Lemon and Honey juice. Intake this juice in the morning.
  2. Apply Lemon juice on the face to clean glossy.
  3. Pre­pare mix­ture of Aloe Vera & Lemon juice and apply on face for glow­ing the skin.
  4. You can try to wash your face with Lemon juice every night for skin care.
  5. Pre­pare mix­ture of Lemon juice. Apply this juice directly on acne and eczema for dry it.
  6. For oily skin, pre­pare mix­ture of Lemon, Egg white and Grapes, your skin become shiny.
  7. Pre­pare a mix­ture of 1 tea­spoon Lemon juice and Glyc­erin and apply it.

How To Use Lemon Juice:

  • Dab on an exist­ing blem­ish to help dry it up.
  • For a hair treat­ment that adds bounce and shine. Allow to remain in hair for a few minutes.
  • Brighten and lighten fin­ger­nails by soak­ing them in lemon juice for ten minutes.
  • As a treat­ment for black­heads, apply lemon juice to areas at night.
  • Rub lemon peel over elbows and knees to elim­i­nate rough or dark spots.
  • Apply full strength to dis­col­ored and night and leave on until the morning.
  • Apply full strength or diluted with water to exfo­li­ate and lighten the skin.

Friday 19 July 2013

Best Spa Products to Pamper Yourself

Best Spa Products to Pamper Yourself - RB Fashion World
Best Spa Products to Pamper Yourself - RB Fashion World

There is nothing more soothing than pampering yourself with a good spa treatment and that too, at any time at home with the best spa products.
We are always not that receptive towards having spa treatments from proper spa clinics and getting them professionally. 

Therefore, in order to have the spa treatment often what you can do is have a good range of best spa products at home and help yourself with this great luxury. 
These days due to the popularity of spa culture and awareness about having a treatment of spa with natural products people have gained a lot of knowledge. 
best spa products that fit ideally with the consumer perceptions. Scented candles, body scents and oils, moisturizers and other similar stuff makeup the basics of best spa product. There is an endless variety of these products that offer amazing treatments of spa with natural products at home. 

Your favorite fragrance for scented candles and body scents etc. The basic aim of all these spa treatments and a wide range of these best spa products is to help you rejuvenate yourself and take out some time for yourself to relax and stress out your muscles. Spa with natural products is considered the most preferable choice as it brings you closer to the wonders of nature and you can get yourself stress-free. 

By having a home spa treatment, you can easily keep a check on what kind of products you are using and what is in them exactly. This allows you to only choose for spa with natural products. In simpler terms spa with natural products give you pure organic beauty. 
In summer season, the spa treatments that most of the people. Any product that is used either for protection or for the love of sun tanned skin must be carefully used. 
Spa with natural products having precise chemical free ingredients are very important here as most of the skin diseases arise. 

Spa with natural products is not just good for your health and body but it is good for the environment too as no chemicals and artificial stuff is being used in creating them and they generate no harm to the environment in return too. Good quality natural products are indeed the best spa products which are highly recommended Spa.

Simple Beauty Tip

Simple Beauty Tip
Simple Beauty Tip

Are you conscious about your skin?

Do you want to make it better? 


The following beauty tip is the best content written for you. Owning a perfect skin with a glowing complexion is every girl’s biggest wish, many young girls go to any extent in order to make themselves look prettier all the time. 
There are millions of beauty products which are available in the markets today, water is basically of two types; the hard water and the soft water. Makeup Tips hard water contains different harsh chemicals which can damage the skin and result too many different problems. But soft water is the best option for getting a softer and smoother skin. 

Another beauty tip regarding the use of water for skin is that never wash your face area with hot water. It results in opening of pores which leads to blackheads, wrinkles etc. Always avoid hot water for cleaning your face and use cold water instead. 

Drinking water frequently is an excellent and most inexpensive beauty tip. Those women who drink water at least 5-6 glasses a day their skin is seen to be more glowing and smooth as compared to other women. Water is the most pure and effective cleanser & makeup tips moisturizer for the skin. It hydrates the skin and keeps on flushing the toxins out of the body. 

Ceaning of the entire systems of the body and prevents the body from dehydration. People who do not drink water frequently and rather prefer going to a beautician and doctor for getting a smooth and glowing skin are doing great harm to themselves. The best and the safest beauty tip that you can rely on is to carry a bottle of water with yourself wherever you go and drink it sip by sip from time to time,  you will feel the difference in your body and skin yourself. Happy drinking Water.!