
Sunday 7 July 2013

Nail Art Salons

Nail Art Salons
Nail Art Salons

Nail Art Salons:

Nail care is among those ancient trends which could be traced back to ancient Egyp­tians who uti­lized the art for the pur­pose of rep­u­ta­tion and sta­tus. In recent times, dur­ing 19th cen­tury it became an inte­gral part of fash­ion and glam­our,  start of 20th cen­tury wit­nessed an unprece­dented pop­u­lar­ity of  Nail Art Salons , thank­fully to glam­orous Hol­ly­wood movies.

In today’s time nails hold as much impor­tance as any phys­i­cal fea­ture. Inno­v­a­tive minds fur­ther enhanced the value and need of nail arts by intro­duc­ing cre­ative and artis­tic trends like crys­tals, air brush­ing, 3D,nail wraps, mag­netic pol­ish and list goes on.

These salons often uses dif­fer­ent words like dec­o­rat­ing, fin­ger paint­ing or sim­ply nail arts to make them look unique which may result in attract­ing more cus­tomers, but real­is­ti­cally all of these salons offer same ser­vice, almost every major city has dozens of such salons which speaks about the vol­ume of pop­u­lar­ity nail arts is receiv­ing in Pakistan.

Nail Art Salons is still in its tran­si­tional phase in Pak­istan and avail­able at major cities of coun­try but the by the cour­tesy of social media rev­o­lu­tion, it’s also in demand in rel­a­tively smaller cities and towns. Lot of  inter­na­tional & local salons brand’s are using social media to attract more cus­tomers. Their pres­ence at Face­book and on other social networking can be seen.

These lux­u­ries of enjoy­ing the lime light have pushed peo­ple to invest in this sec­tor. Dif­fer­ent designs and option of using your favorite colour depend­ing on your age, sta­tus and per­son­al­ity are offered in these salons.

In Karachi alone there are dozens of salons which offer nail Dec­o­ra­tion and if you are hap­pen to live in Karachi and have desire to have your nails done then salons like Sab’s, N-PRO and Alle’Nora by Aliya Tipu won’t be bad place to visit. Lahorites are not far behind Karachi when it comes to nail care salons. Likes of Depilex, Maram & Aabroo and Hidaqa Kiyani sig­na­ture salon offer its clients the ser­vices of fin­ger printing.

Sig­na­ture salon run by Aliya Farooq is rather pop­u­lar among many nail arts admir­ers. Its one such salon that pro­vides numer­ous designs. Other than that I just now launched a brand new mar­bled design that’s fur­ther­more get­ting val­ued by my buy­ers, says aes­theti­cian Aliya Farooq, who retains test­ing and bring­ing out new styles at her salon.

'High streets of major Cities have num­ber of shops which pro­vides nail acces­sories to its clients. These acces­sories are “MUST HAVE” for the ones who are into nail arts. Indus­try is at devel­op­ing state at a moment and all the signs hint it get­ting only more vis­i­ble and stronger in Pak­istan. Com­pet­i­tive atmos­phere among dif­fer­ent brands and avail­abil­ity of numer­ous vari­eties speaks of the amount of appre­ci­a­tion this art is gain­ing in the World'.

10 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips

8 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips
8 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips

10 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips:

Acne is not only teen ages prob­lem, its is a most com­mon prob­lem spe­cially is girls/women’s. 20s, 30s, 40s even 50s age of menopause.  It occurs because of many rea­sons like pol­lu­tion, hor­monal imbal­ance and using of less glyc­erol con­tent cosmetics.
8 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips
8 Easy Hormonal Acne Care Tips

The Most Effec­tive Treat­ment of Hor­monal Acne:

  1. Acne cure treat­ment for hor­monal acne includes the use of lemon juice and rose water.
  2. A good way to treat hormonal acne is to eat a clean diet. Cut out sugar, white flour, hydrogenated fats, etc.
  3. Acne in many women because of the anti-inflammatory effect that it has on a person’s entire system.
  4. Hor­monal acne can be treated by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Foods rich in sugar and fats, as stud­ies shows, can trig­ger the production of acne-causing sebum.

  5. Hormonal Care Tips
  6. Sup­ple­ments like spir­ulina, chloro­phyll and fish oils are all known to help replen­ish lipids, help con­trol oil and detox­ify skin.
  7. Using almond oil will give your skin ben­e­fits. It can be said that you have unsta­ble break­outs when you have hor­monal acne.
  8. This is to be applied for about half an hour and then washed off. If it burns too much, or if there is exces­sive red­ness seen, then wash immediately.
  9. Mix equal parts tea tree oil and water. Soak a cot­ton ball into the liq­uid and apply it onto your affected areas twice a day.

These are the few Tips of Hormonal Care, we hope you are enjoy our this arti­cle. Keep reading.……!!!!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips
Beauty Tips 

Today RB Fash­ion World told you Girls Beauty Tips, now a day’s every girl want to look beau­ti­ful and gor­geous so today we will give you free tips of look­ing beauty and gorgeous.

The top 10 main points is that:

  1. You should drink water at-least 7 Glass of water.
  2.  Then you talk a light and oil free break­fast.
  3.  After that you talk some exer­cise.
  4. Then in after­noon you take some heavy lunch.
  5.  Then take a 1 cup of Tea/Coffee or Milk, it’s a very help­ful for your health.
  6.  In evening you go to at-least 30min walk.
  7.  At night you can talk some fruits not eat din­ner, you can eat fruits.
  8.  Don’t every use soap, you can use body wash, makeup or face wash.
  9.  Girls need take care of her­self own.
  10.  The last but not the least and main point is that you should take some sun light for your soft skin.

I hope you are following out these tips, we hope it’s very help full for you.

Thank You, please vis­it­ing RB Fash­ion World. Com

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:
How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

How To Hide A Pim­ple on Your Face:

No one like pim­ples it’s dis­dain for every­one, So you must drink lots of water to get rid of tox­ins from your body because they are the real pim­ple cul­prits espe­cially the pim­ple, as much as pos­si­ble, else you may be intro­duc­ing new germs to it, caus­ing an inflammation.

So we are giv­ing you some mail points to hide pim­ples in your skin are as under:

  • Apply a small amount of the con­cealer to the pim­ple.
  • Allow the con­cealer to dry, and then blend the edges of the con­cealer with a cos­metic sponge or cot­ton swab.
  • Apply some tinted mois­tur­izer in a color that matches your skin tone.
  • Apply con­cealer in your skin tone, con­ceal­ers in pots or tubes give bet­ter cov­er­age than stick-type con­cealer. Pat gen­tly to blend.
  • Apply on the pim­ple and leave it for 20 min­utes. After wash­ing, use Visine eye drops over it to reduce the redness.
  • Sleep at the right time.

If you still feel like you need some cov­er­age, add a sec­ond layer of your flesh-toned concealer.
Thanks’x for read­ing our this article.

.Take care.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Acupuncture an Answer to Men’s Health Problems?

Acupuncture an Answer to Men’s Health Problems?
Acupuncture an Answer to Men’s Health Problems?

Compared to women, men are shyer to discuss problems i.e. prostate, erectile dysfunction and infertility but, being a man, your best interest lies in being honest with your doctor because your sexual health determines your emotional health.
While western medicine is beneficial, Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a male-specific therapy that covers a number of problems preventing them from starting their own family.  For starters, men specific problems are very common and timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help them a long way.
Acupuncture consists of fine needles that are inserted at specific points in your body where they do the wonder by regulating the flow of energy. A treatment plan is individually designed according to your specific condition and you may require multiple sessions spanning from a few weeks to a few months before you actually see the results.
Western procedures cost as much as $10,000 - $15000 where acupuncture is relatively economical costing you around $60 - $120. Let us today see how acupuncture helps men with their problems.

• Erectile Dysfunction is the most common disorder that affects almost all men at some point in their lives but if you have a consistent problem, you need a treatment.  Diseases such as diabetes, heart trouble, anxiety, stress, medication and surgery can clog your penile blood vessels.
•In conjunction with western medicine, acupuncture improves sperm production and quality that tremendously increases your chances of fertility. This is effective for both men and women.
• Prostatitis is another common condition affecting men worldwide. It causes burning while urinating, frequent need to pass and a general pain in the pelvis and lower back region.
• Prostate Cancer: Characterized by blood in semen or urine and persistent back pain, Prostate Cancer is another disorder that affects 1 in 6 men over the age 50.Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are known to relieve the side effects by boosting men’s health in prostate cancer.
• Male depression, stress, anxiety, frustration, irritability. With so many benefits this technique is offering, why must you miss out on them? The solution is not far, just muster up the courage, recognize the trouble and give acupuncture a try.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Five Tips For Sensitive & Dry Skin

Five Tips For Sensitive & Dry Skin
Five Tips For Sensitive & Dry Skin 

The Makeover Foundation for Dry & Sensitive Skin:

 Make-over is the best part of girls/women's mostly every girls love's to do makeover for his skin, so today we are discuss some top class to point's for our readers.

1. Bobbi Brown Foundation Stick:

Oil free foundational won’t work on dry skin, Bobbi Brown’s Foun­da­tion Stick is great for touch-ups on the go.

2. Clique Super Bal­anced Make-up:

This foun­da­tion is great for this pur­pose as it works as a mois­tur­izer as well. It pro­vides mod­er­ate cov­er­age leav­ing your skin.

3. MAC Face & Body Foundation:

Their Face & Body Foun­da­tion is packed with mois­tur­iz­ing emol­lients for smoother skin. Cov­er­age is light and natural-looking.

4. L’Oreal :

Vis­i­ble Lift: This foun­da­tion is good to use if you pre­fer or like anti-aging prod­ucts. Just like the name of the prod­uct it pro­vides full cov­er­age and elim­i­nates scars, dark cir­cles and freckles.

5. L’Oreal Paris Lumi Mag­ique Foundation:

For a purse-friendly dry skin foun­da­tion, try L’Oreal Paris’ Lumi Mag­ique foundation.
So, if you have know any foun­da­tion for dry skin please share your com­ments with us. Thanksx for read­ing our this arti­cles   Five Tips Of Sen­si­tive & Dry Skin, we hope you are increas­ing your knowledge with this.

Thank You for reading our this article|post, hope you ll are enjoying allot and gaining some knowledge with that.
.Keep Visiting. 

Monday 1 July 2013

New Trends in Men Cosmetics

New Trends in Men Cosmetics
New Trends in Men Cosmetics

It is now, when men’s cosmetics has proved themselves as inevitable part of men’s wardrobe and fashion industry notices the men’s cosmetics trends. With the change in men’s cosmetics trend, there is incredible change in the variety of men’s cosmetics. Not only suiting but also the skin, complexion and healthy skin have also become an inevitable part of ideal personality. Let us enlist some men’s cosmetics
according to the latest men’s cosmetics trend in Pakistan.

Careful Selection of Men’s Cosmetics:

While selecting men’s cosmetics, one should be very careful and to the point of concern. There have been hundred types of men’s cosmetics and for particular purpose.

Trends In Men’s Cosmetics:

From hairs to skin and from deodorants to show-smell everything has been included in the list of men’s cosmetics. Latest trends in the men’s cosmetics shows that the given below list of the men’s cosmetics is of prime importance while taking care of men’s look while going outside the home. The mentioned men’s cosmetics would not only make men’s skin healthy but would also add to the men’s personality.

01. Moisturizing Self-Tanner:

It has ability to absorb the extra moisture on the skin and keep looks healthy and fresh. Aging effects is the undesirable part of growing age and to cope with it men’s cosmetics trends have give way to moisturizing self-tanner. Latest men’s cosmetics trends has declared that moisturizing self-tanner is the most desired among all the men’s cosmetics.

02. Lip Maximizing Serum:

Healthy and fresh looking lips add to the beauty of the man. List of the men’s cosmetics would be incomplete without lips maximizing serum. Among the list of men’s cosmetics, it is the only thing that restores collagen necessary for lips beauty.

03. Silk-Enriched Shine Reduction Powder:

Men’s cosmetics also include another important thing called shine reduction powder. It is being widely used by the men as shown by the men’s cosmetics trends and reviews. Men’s cosmetics list cannot be completed without this.

04.  Deodorants and Perfumes:

The most important part of the men’s cosmetics is the perfumes and deodorants. Latest men’s cosmetics trends have shown that the deodorants and perfumes are integral part of men’s cosmetics.

05.  Shape and Shine Nail Setter:

Men’s, being important part, are also covered by the men’s cosmetics and men’s cosmetics trends have also give way to nail related equipment. Shape and shine nail setter is to keep nail healthy, shine and of perfect size to keep the person looking fabulous.

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Pakistani Fashion


Are You Really Covered?


 “How to protect your skin from sunrays”? Parents are worried for their children who listen to no one and just want to play outside, working women are scared of going out in burning sun, even men nowadays seems to be conscious about their complexion too.
 Why not? Studies have shown that harmful radiations emitting from sun causes diseases like skin cancer, skin damage and contracts.
 And ladies you will be amazed to know that the problem rising these days with an alarming rate about wrinkles is also the result of constant exposure to sun because (UVA) light breaks down collagen, which causes wrinkles.
 Sunscreen is basically a combination of different chemicals that helps not only in preventing sunrays from burning the skin but also keep it soft, smooth and fresh. In chemical terms Sunscreen is a pharmaceutical product designed to protect skin.
(zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) which protects the skin from UVR which can cause sunburn) and UVA (UVR) which damages the skin with more long-term effects) scatter or reflect UV light. Mostly sunscreens are labelled with SPF (sun protecting factor) rating.
The more the rating the more good it is to particular sunscreen. So when you go to buy this product.
 Get a stick, lotion or spray whatever suits you. Sunscreen is available in all forms. It will be effective 24 hours a day and the best thing is it smells or feels sticky at all. It is not expensive too.
Believe us! we know people have this very common perception that wearing light coloured, full length clothes with hats or holding umbrella is enough to be safe.
But reality is a bit vicious guys. Clothes are just partial solution they don’t cover your face or hands. Sunscreen is ultimate answer to our prayer.
Just apply a small amount of sunscreen and party hard. Hang out with friends, arrange outside the house yard.
Sunscreen is not a cure for skin protection, but still they are important to be used. Sun avoidance and physical barriers are the best tactics to minimize the serious and long-term effects of UV radiation.

Hope you enjoying out this articles.
.Thank You.

Sunday 30 June 2013

The Top 6 Exercises For Burning Back Fat

The Top 6 Exer­cises For Burn­ing Back Fat:

A lot of peo­ple are very trou­bled by how they’re back looks, when it comes to fat loss, arm and shoul­der mus­cles. Your back mus­cles are also an impor­tant part of your core mus­cles so don’t ignore them. Mak­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tions to your eat­ing habits while fol­low­ing a s fat and lean out your back fast to it.

The Best Exer­cises To Lose Back Fat for Women:

  1. Pull-ups work your lace, core, shoulders, arms, chest, biceps and improve grip strength.
  1. Regular anaerobic exercise causes your body to build up muscle mass. The more muscle, the more calories you burn using and maintaining it.
  1. Bent-over row: The basic image is that you are bending you pull barbells toward you.
  1. This will help give you a solid, firm looking back. However, strengthening your back muscles without burning off the fat won’t be of much help as the fat will just cover.
  1. break­fast to help burn off fat stores. Go for a fast-paced walk, jog out­doors or use such as the ellip­ti­cal machine, step mill and sta­tion­ary bike.
  1. They do not burn a lot of calo­ries but can improve your pos­ture and back’s which takes the empha­sis away tissue.
  1. Burn fat and do back ton­ing exer­cises, if you do hard work then you will get rid of your back fat. Just give it time, your back mus­cles can look good  in the mirror.

We hope you like our this Post, Keep visiting .RB Fashion World Dot Com.

RB Fashion World Blog Is For Sale Now By Owner

RB Fashion World Blog Is For Sale Now By Owner
RB Fashion World Blog Is For Sale Now By Owner

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