
Sunday 7 July 2013

Nail Art Salons

Nail Art Salons
Nail Art Salons

Nail Art Salons:

Nail care is among those ancient trends which could be traced back to ancient Egyp­tians who uti­lized the art for the pur­pose of rep­u­ta­tion and sta­tus. In recent times, dur­ing 19th cen­tury it became an inte­gral part of fash­ion and glam­our,  start of 20th cen­tury wit­nessed an unprece­dented pop­u­lar­ity of  Nail Art Salons , thank­fully to glam­orous Hol­ly­wood movies.

In today’s time nails hold as much impor­tance as any phys­i­cal fea­ture. Inno­v­a­tive minds fur­ther enhanced the value and need of nail arts by intro­duc­ing cre­ative and artis­tic trends like crys­tals, air brush­ing, 3D,nail wraps, mag­netic pol­ish and list goes on.

These salons often uses dif­fer­ent words like dec­o­rat­ing, fin­ger paint­ing or sim­ply nail arts to make them look unique which may result in attract­ing more cus­tomers, but real­is­ti­cally all of these salons offer same ser­vice, almost every major city has dozens of such salons which speaks about the vol­ume of pop­u­lar­ity nail arts is receiv­ing in Pakistan.

Nail Art Salons is still in its tran­si­tional phase in Pak­istan and avail­able at major cities of coun­try but the by the cour­tesy of social media rev­o­lu­tion, it’s also in demand in rel­a­tively smaller cities and towns. Lot of  inter­na­tional & local salons brand’s are using social media to attract more cus­tomers. Their pres­ence at Face­book and on other social networking can be seen.

These lux­u­ries of enjoy­ing the lime light have pushed peo­ple to invest in this sec­tor. Dif­fer­ent designs and option of using your favorite colour depend­ing on your age, sta­tus and per­son­al­ity are offered in these salons.

In Karachi alone there are dozens of salons which offer nail Dec­o­ra­tion and if you are hap­pen to live in Karachi and have desire to have your nails done then salons like Sab’s, N-PRO and Alle’Nora by Aliya Tipu won’t be bad place to visit. Lahorites are not far behind Karachi when it comes to nail care salons. Likes of Depilex, Maram & Aabroo and Hidaqa Kiyani sig­na­ture salon offer its clients the ser­vices of fin­ger printing.

Sig­na­ture salon run by Aliya Farooq is rather pop­u­lar among many nail arts admir­ers. Its one such salon that pro­vides numer­ous designs. Other than that I just now launched a brand new mar­bled design that’s fur­ther­more get­ting val­ued by my buy­ers, says aes­theti­cian Aliya Farooq, who retains test­ing and bring­ing out new styles at her salon.

'High streets of major Cities have num­ber of shops which pro­vides nail acces­sories to its clients. These acces­sories are “MUST HAVE” for the ones who are into nail arts. Indus­try is at devel­op­ing state at a moment and all the signs hint it get­ting only more vis­i­ble and stronger in Pak­istan. Com­pet­i­tive atmos­phere among dif­fer­ent brands and avail­abil­ity of numer­ous vari­eties speaks of the amount of appre­ci­a­tion this art is gain­ing in the World'.

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